Working hard!

Well, it has been over a month since I last posted something on here. I'm not really sure why I have waited so long! Could it be I have just been busy with all the things we are doing or am I just "farming" in all my free time? I'll let you be the judge of that! Either way, we are learning lots and having so much FUN! Mollie has almost stopped with her "fit pitching" as Madison calls it. Now don't get me wrong, there are days when one of the four of us has a fit, but other than that, things are working out beautifully! I got the girls some cute little school desks from this new store on Baston Road. They just "had to have them" or I just wanted them, can't figure this one out either, but they are cute! When Brad does Science with them, he still uses the kitchen table though. It is so much easier for them to do things on one big table. So far they have been doing things with electricity, but we find ways to do something in Science all the time. It will just happen to be something I actually know something about! Our days have consisted of lots of Math and Reading. We have read some really good books so far. I say "we" because I have been reading them too! They are great stories; Walk the Worlds Rim, Om-Kas-Toe, Pocahontas, The Witch of Blackbeard's Pond, Pedro's Journal, Diary of an Early American Boy, and The Legend of Squanto (actually we all listened to this!) are the ones we have completed so far. That's a lot of chapter books in a little over a month, don't you think?
We go to PE at Warren Baptist on Thursdays and have made lots of friends. Madison is playing basketball on a homeschool team (never knew they had these) and seems to be enjoying it. Her first game is in Nov. at Mead Hall. She is also on the Math Club. She has Math Club practice every Friday for 2 hours! WOW~what a long time to do nothing but Math!! I hope I learn something! Margaret is taking a sewing class on Thursday mornings from a lady (Tori Rowland) that lives right down the street. It has been so much fun for her! Mollie hasn't found anything just yet, but plans on cheering for Upward basketball at Warren Baptist and playing basketball with our church (FBC of Augusta) so she will soon be busy too! We have many fun field trips scheduled for fall, so I hopefully won't wait another month to post.