Well, today we began our journey into the wonderful world of homeschooling. I must say for the most part it was wonderful. We began school at 8:30 and finished up around 2:30. We only stopped to take a break for lunch for about 20 minutes. Mollie kept asking me what time it was so she could be back to the playroom (our new school room) on time. Margaret still beat her though. I wanted to take pictures of the girls this morning like I have on the first day of school in the past, so I made them get dressed early so I could take a picture. I really wanted them to go out the front door and come in the side door on their first day (I had read this somewhere)but that did not go over with them. They thought I was nuts! I was doing good to get the picture so I did not push the issue.
Mollie was a little testy today. She loves Math and I had no problem getting her to do this, but writing is not her favorite thing to do. She cried a lot of tears today because I would not write for her. Madison got really aggravated with her because she was so fussy and that seemed to make it worse. She was so dramatic! She told her daddy she did not like the USA Book we are working on either (and we have 4 to get through this year!). Oh, and she wants a pencil sharpener like Mrs. Green has in her room. Yes, she did spend a lot of time sharpening her pencil today. I think she was tired today because she did not go to sleep as soon as I put her to bed last night, so tonight I made her go by 8pm. Hopefully tomorrow she will be ready for something besides Math. She also pulled another tooth today and went to bed praying the tooth fairy would leave her $100.00! It is obvious we don't know the same tooth fairy!lol! I wonder if play money would be OK?
Margaret did GREAT! She did all of her work right away. She even tried to help Mollie~we wonder why she is so spoiled! I was so proud of her. Madison and I did have to convince her a footprint made by someone in a spacesuit on the moon and Mars would not be considered an artifact, but other than this, she did fine. She loves Wordly Wise (surprising to me since Madison HATED this in 4th grade!) and was excited to finally get to do something just like Madison used to do. She can't really decide what her favorite thing is yet. She asked me tonight when were we going on a field trip! It's just the first day and she is already wondering about a field trip! Wonder if I should book a trip to the moon or Mars so she can look for those artifacts?
Madison was WONDERFUL! She helped Mollie go over her Wordly Wise words and tried to calm her down when she was so fussy (until she got aggravated and told her to suck it up!). She loves the stories we are reading for History and Reading. I did not even hear her complain one time about Wordly Wise and those of you who know her, knows she used to DESPISE this. She has even made her flashcards!! I am just hoping she keeps it up all year.She is so happy not to have actual textbooks to lug around and read from. She thinks those are boring! Her crate of materials is kept very neat~she had to arrange them at least 4 times today. She even vacuumed and cleaned the tables when we were done. She calls herself the janitor! I hope this lasts too!!!
I am very pleased with the day and what all we got done, but most of all I am so happy to have the opportunity to be at home with my girls teaching them. Yes it is hard work and yes we are together ALL day, but I would not trade it for the world! Even when Mollie is at her worst, I am still thankful I am home with her. She will learn sooner or later(hopefully sooner!) that she has to do her own school work and I will help her with what she needs help with, but I WILL NOT do it for her. I love my girls and I will treasure each of these days we are together.
1 day down and only 179 more to go!!
Things heard throughout the day:
Madison (to me): Mommy, you can't talk on your cell phone during school cause it's not allowed.
Me: I wasn't planning on it.
Madison: Just put it away until the day is done.
Madison (to Mollie): Next week you will be starting school somewhere else if you don't hush all this crying up. You are being lazy and spoiled and Mommy is not going to do your work for you.
Madison (to me): You better not do her work for her. You need to ground her!
Margaret: When is it lunch time? (asked 5 or 6 times today)
Margaret (to me): You don't think we'll blow anything up if you try to do an electricity experiment with us do you? Maybe we should wait for daddy cause he knows what he is doing!
Mollie (to all of us): Mrs. Osborne did not make me do this!
Madison (to Mollie): Did you cry and pitch a fit for her?
I was telling Brad's mother that Mollie had a little rash on one of her cheeks and Madison told her it was a fit pitcher's rash!
Margaret asking Madison if we could grind up fish bones and try the dust like the Indians used to eat. Madison (to Margaret): you can, but I want real food for my lunch!
LOL Love the dialogue. :)